What’s in the History
The CIONE clinic chain and the CiONE methodology was founded by Tim King and his wife Sharon King, after they both suffered from injuries, and biomechanical dysfunctions during their International athletic careers.
Tim was forced to retire at 29 years, from athletic competition in 1993, due to suffering for the previous 9 years with recurring injuries.
His ‘Mission’ was to understand ‘why’ – he had not succeeded in getting to World Class level as an athlete; while at the same time coaching his wife to help her to maximize her athletic potential.
Sharon King continued on her journey with the Great Britain team, until suffering a virus, while competing in Russia for the GB team, which ultimately forced her into retirement 5 years later.

Tim King – 800m

Tim King – 1500m

Sharon King – 800m

Sharon King – 1500m
Twenty-seven years later and CiONE is now the leading Biomechanical and Postural Rejuvenation clinic in Harley Street, London and Loughborough, Midlands.
Maximizing athletic performance across ALL sports while at the same time pioneering programs of care and rehabilitation for the general public, specializing across; PELVIC pain, Hypermobility, Paediatric Care and skeletal dysfunctional pain.
What’s in a Name
The word ‘CiONE’ came from Tim’s mothers St Christopher pendant given to her during the ‘Blitz’ in London during the Second World War.
His mother’s National Union of War (NUW) number “NUW C113/7” was engraved on the back of the pendant, to identify her if killed in a bombing raid. The pendant had been handed down to him on his 21st birthday.
Tim liked the idea of the name C1-ONE 3 as the original brand in 1994, which gradually became C1-ONE, over time – eventually evolving into CiONE.
As the business progressed into a name to represent how human beings should value, enhance and nurture their bodies.
C1 13/7 – when Tim looked it up in the Gideons bible – brought him to Corinthians 1, Chapter 13: LOVE
With line 7 reading:
“HOPE, FAITH, PERSEVERENCE and LOVE, the greatest of these being LOVE”
Which was why he trade marked the name immediately.
However, the CiONE ‘love’ is not one of story books and fairy tales but represents a more holistic custodial ‘love’ and replenishment of ourselves and our bodies over time, as we ‘persevere’ with ‘hope’ and ‘faith’.
Founder Explains CiONE
What’s in the Research?
After many years of research and study in the UK, USA, Spain, Scandinavia, Germany, Norway and The Netherlands, Tim worked on many EU projects in Footwear Biomechanics across Paediatrics and Diabetic Footwear needs.
Pressure Mapping Technology
Foot Scanning & Measurement
Portable Gate Analysis

Tim started lecturing about his unique Programme of Biomechanics application and Human Engineering at Universities around the world.
He lectured at De Montfort, Loughborough, Salford and Stafford Universities in the UK, as well as North Western University in the USA.
Founder (Part-time Professor) Explains Footwear BioMechanics
CiONE & DMU Footwear Design Course
CiONE & DMU BioMechnaics Abroad
As a company, CiONE Postural Rejuvenation was created to market CiONE’s ground-breaking CADCAM software and provide clinical facilities for the CiONE methodology.
The ability to make unique custom stability plates and custom footwear through the CADCAM technology, led CiONE to work closely with the Spanish Technological Institute for Footwear and Related industries (INESCOP) and with the pioneering CADCAM orthotic production company – BIOMECH, Spain.
CiONE CAD-CAM Milling Software
No-one else does human engineering the way that CiONE does..!