
Pudendal Neuralgia – “is long-term pain that originates from damage or irritation of the pudendal nerve”

What is Pudendal Neuralgia and what can we do generally to help?

Pudendal Neuralgia is a long-term pelvic pain that originates from damage or irritation to the Pudendal nerve in the pelvis. The Pudendal nerve sends impulses to areas such as the buttocks and genitals (perineum).

It is known as a “Somatic nerve” within the pelvis and comprises of branches of the sacral plexus levels S2-4.

The Pudendal nerve stimulates the external genitalia in men and women including the labia, scrotum, penis, clitoris, and anus and provides motor function for bowel, bladder, and orgasm function. It is has three branches: ‘Perineal nerve’, ‘Inferior Rectal’, and ‘Dorsal Penile/Clitoral’ nerve.

Pudendal Nerve


The Pudendal nerve travels through many other pelvic regions. It passes between the “Sacro tuberous” and “Sacrospinous” ligaments, between the Piriformis and Coccyges muscles, adjacent to the Ischial spine, and accompanies the Pudendal artery and vein through the Obturator fascia or Alcock’s (pudendal) canal.

Damage or trauma to the this nerve can result from falls onto the coccyx or Ischial Tuberosities (‘sits” bones), childbirth, abdominal or pelvic surgery, bicycling, horseback riding, sports injuries squatting or lifting injuries, motor vehicle accidents, faulty biomechanics of the sacroiliac, sacrococcygeal, and hip joints; adverse tension of the pelvic ligaments (Sacro tuberous, sacro spinous), pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, pelvic radiation therapy, chronic constipation with habitual straining, and chronic Pudendal nerve entrapment

Here at CiONE we provide one of the leading assessments of the condition and subsequently, treatment.  We specifically look for the “Drivers” of the following symptoms of pain and discomfort.


  • Burning, crushing, shooting or prickling sensations
  • Can be sudden or gradual development
  • Can involve different constants I.e., worse at some times more than others (sitting or standing)
  • Numbness, pins and needles
  • Sensitivity
  • Swelling
  • Toileting frequently
  • Sexual deficiency’s ie; painful intercourse and dysfunctional irritations such as; burning, itching, ‘crushed glass’, sensations internally

We offer an in-depth assessment taking roughly a few hours of your time where our clinicians will delve deeply into the history of how the condition occurred and how we diagnose this through Musculo-skeletal interaction and interpretation.

Our leading Harley Street Consultant has been our head of development for Pudendal Neuralgia for 15 years and has a ‘track record’ of great success through the unique “CiONE approach/treatment” – involving Western Biomechanical interventions and Ancient Eastern Therapy.


Pudendal Neuralgia is mainly referred to as “Pudendal Nerve Entrapment”.

It was through research   [in the University of Nantes in France in 2006.  in the early 2000s that it was given its name (Pudendal Neuralgia) – after researching the cause of the original “Alcock Canal Syndrome” owing to a rise in cases in the early 2000’s, however, it is still generally known and considered to be a rare condition.

Our involvement:

Through CiONE’s evolving “Methodology” – involving Pelvic position – skeletal realignment – foot structure (including footwear) to lower limb dynamics and postural structure – CiONE has pioneered many treatment protocols to manage a wide range of internal pains.

Indeed, it is these constant research protocols and pioneering of progressive techniques that drive and push CiONE’s programs forward – in order to treat this ‘debilitating’ and ‘rare’  condition’s.

We as a Wellness Centre have collated a large group of patients with this condition and have regularly uploaded “Video Testimonials”, which you can find on our website at, of patient’s journey through the process and the incredible success we are having.

MALE Testimonial:

Through these MALE Testimonials you’ll find examples of how it is possible to live life managing and reducing the pain and discomfort, and in the case of a large percentage of patients – eradicating the condition.

The extremity of this condition can ‘derail you’ and affect a patient’s mental ‘state of mind’ as well as the physically body, and the resulting pain can affect the patients everyday ‘quality of life’.

The Pudendal nerve creates internal sensations such as a sense of ‘crushed glass’ inside the body around the genital’s – running from the Scrotum/Testicles through to the Coccyx/bowel and can be excruciating.

That said the pain with Pudendal neuralgia can also bring on other sensations such as Hot Cold, or Sharp and dull incessant aches, itching etc

In the CiONE Wellness Centre’s “Videos Testimonial Library” (home page) – you’ll recognise that many patients have come through the CiONE Methodology successfully, with their conditions.

Indeed, the CiONE Team can give you the “guidance” and “hope” through your journey – by “holding your hand” through the process – ensuring that you regain stability in your life and set you on the front foot to moving on from your pain.

In most male cases the LEVATOR ANI and the PERONEUM are the main instigators of the Scrotum and testicular pain, within the body and it is down to the extreme levels of “Guarding” that the brain puts the body through, creating ‘Paniculosis’ (microscopic Oedema/inflammation) within the fascia – which then ‘inflames’ the area, in an effort to stop the body from functioning.

The Ancient Amatsu principles then are utilised to drain by our clinicians to help ‘trigger’ the Lymphatic system to “flush out” the toxins and free the body from the intensity of pain.

FEMALE Case study:

To give an idea of the pain process of Pudendal Neuralgia in women, we can see an example here of a life description by a 76-year-old woman on living with this condition

…”The patient had been living for 10 years with the symptoms of Pudendal Neuralgia, including the sharp burning pain around the vagina and the perineum; as well as other areas of the female reproductive, and digestive system.

The condition had impacted her daily functioning, her marriage and her social life, In this case the patient had been treated with “Sodium Valproate” for her neuralgia – (which is a drug for Epilepsy and unlicensed for use re other forms of Neuropathic pain) – which caused the patient to suffer massive” flares” of pain, debilitating her health and wellbeing.

The CiONE Wellness Centre regularly sees patients like this, who are suffering from “chronic” internal pain and have been miss diagnosed or incorrectly medicated.

During her original consultation, we could see the “outline cause” of her pain through her physical dysfunction and her inability to sit on any chair for periods longer than 1 minute.

The body had clearly gone into “Guarding” due to her high levels of anxiety and her Vegas Nerve “firing” to try and stop her from doing any more damage.

Clearly the ‘negative’ affect that the incorrect medication diagnosis, took its toll on the patients ‘state of mind ‘and her physical health and wellness, alongside the patient frustration toward the severity of her condition (Para-Sympathetic and Sympathetic neurology).

Therefore, a full ‘mindfulness reset’ was important, something that the CiONE Wellness Centre achieves with all patients.

Therefore, it is clear that consistent appearance of ‘past trauma’ and ‘physical accidents’ have a huge impact in the cause and intensity of pain, creating a Somatic Reflex, (intrinsic spasms led by the Vagus nerve)

Indeed, with detailed analysis of Pudendal Neuralgia It is important to note that this pain can be found in other area of the genitals such as the Vulva/Clitoris for females and Penis/Testicles n males whilst the anus/bowel has a chance of developing this ‘rare’ condition for both genders.

The uniquemness of the CiONE “Methodology”  – is the understanding of the “ancient eastern processes (Amatsu)” which helps assist in the relieving and draining of the build-up of inflammation and other nerve abnormalities such as Oedema and Paniculosis.

Overall CIONE Wellness Centre ‘pioneers’ an approach of combining EASTERN and WESTERN therapy to great effect – when unravelling the condition of Pudendal Neuralgia.