Knee Pain Removal Using Bio Fascial Release

Knee Pain Removal Using Bio Fascial Release

‘CiONE told my whole life story just through looking at my posture, it was atonishing and unbelievable’ Knee pain is hugely common within individuals particularly in the older age groups. Arthritis knee pain can be worsened by certain movements and exercises,...
Headaches Testimonial

Headaches Testimonial

One patient in particular has a moving story as a single virus changed her life. The patient had a severe virus which caused an imbalance in her proprioception which made her lose her balance and sense of surroundings. Following this virus, she became very unstable...
Manage Hypermobility To Maintain Efficient Posture

Manage Hypermobility To Maintain Efficient Posture

HYPERMOBILITY from the ‘MAST’ cell gene needs to be managed carefully as the body grows and ages, to maintain efficient posture and good Biomechanic’s. CiONE Postural Rejuvenation, has long understood that joint ‘mobility’ is often confused with joint ‘flexibility’-...
Poor Posture Impacts Breathing & Viral Fatigue

Poor Posture Impacts Breathing & Viral Fatigue

“CIONE HARLEY STREET CENTRES ANNOUNCE THAT POOR POSTURE AND SKELETAL PAIN – HAS BEEN EXACERBATING, BREATHING & VIRAL FATIGUE ISSUES THIS WINTER…”’. You will have read about the many virus’s around in 2023 that restrict breathing and create fatigue and...