Back pain is a common issue that can be overlooked, as in most cases the cause of other pain and issues can stem from the first issue which can lead to far more problems, as if the problem is notresolved the issue can prolong and the body adapts normalizing the pain.

The skeletal structure is delicate and sensitive, it facilitates all the movement within the body whilst supporting the internal organs, providing protection.

If the skeletal structure is out of the correct alignment, then the body is functioning in an irregular way forcing more pressure on certain areas of the body in order to stabilise the body.

The body is miraculous as it adapts in order to provide a new way of supporting in the body to avoid the discomfort it was feeling in the proper position. The body then normalises this way of holding the body and therefore bad posture is formed to avoid pain.

The CIONE team have corrected patients back pain and other issues such as gut issues and bladder pressure has been cured.

Poor posture can place undue stress on the Linea alba which runs down the centre of the abdomen. Pressure on the Linea alba can cause an immense amount of pressure on the gut thus leading to constipation and gut issues. When the Linea alba is tight performing certain movements can be hard therefore the body has to adapt how it stands and holds itself in order to cope with the pressure exerted on the gut due to back pain.

Many patients come through the CiONE clinic who not only have severe back pain but also have other severe issues usually linked to their postural structure. Constipation can be particularly common when the patient is struggling with chronic lower back pian. Constipation can be influenced by the postural structure of the body through severe mechanisms.

Poor posture can affect the alignment and function of the abdominal and pelvic muscles, which are critical for bowel movements.

This patient has been suffering from long term chronic back pain for over two decades. Following this he has problems within his stomach leading to constipation and stomach aches.

They stated,

“I’ve suffered with kind of tiredness and back pain for perhaps two decades…, 20 years. I couldn’t go to the toilet without having some sort of medicine laxative”.

Poor posture can lead to weakening or improper functioning of the pelvic flaw muscles, these muscles play a vital role in the bowel movement. Poor posture can put an overloaded pressure on certain aspects of the body, leading to insufficient bowel movements.

The patient said

“I found CiONE through the article in the Guardian, I was in such desperation I just scan read It and booked in an instant as I wanted to cure my pain. I had constant back pain; my spine is a little curve as I have scoliosis.”

This was evident with this patient as he has a mild form of scoliosis, therefore there is an imbalance in the way he holds his posture putting an enormous amount of pressure on the abdominal muscles.

Stomach pain issues

Bowel movement relies heavily on the way the individual holds their posture, the colons positioning can be affected by posture. Prolonged sitting in a hunched position can compress the intestines reducing the motility, therefore creating constipation within the intestines.

Through the CiONE assessment the structural and postural structure is realigned and corrected shifting the pelvic floor back into the correct alignment taking the pressure of the abdominal and stomach areas.

CiONE created custom stability plates in order to realign the body whilst also making sure the balance of the bone structure is in alignment.

The CIONE Team make custom stability plates which correct the way you stand in order for the knees to track in line with the feet which enables the pelvis to track in line.The plates are the foundation to stabilizing the body and skeletal structure, they provide the stability to which everything else can be corrected once the alignment in which the patient stands and walks is in the correct position. 

Without the foundations of the stability plates the body can be corrected aligned but within a few weeks the body would naturally go back to its original bad posture due to standing and walking in an incorrect manner.

He explains;

“It’s a great concept I thought this is something that is going to rebalance my spine all the time. You don’t notice them In and there’s absolutely no pain.”

Tim king said;

“People get confused because something in your shoes, people immediately think they are like orthotics, but these plates are engineered plates for your pelvis.”

The CiONE team work within a structured system in order to fix an ultimately cure the ongoing issue so that it doesn’t come back. Before the team release the Lineo Alba which is within the abdominal muscles, a bio fascial release was needed in order to release the fascia within the gluteus maximus which would release the lower back pain which was impinging a lot of pressure on the stomach.

The patient described the release being intense for 20 seconds;

“it was intense, for 20 seconds. It’s like very intense pain from pressure on the muscle within the gluteus maximus, you feel sore for the next few days but it releases something that was blocked.”

“My sciatic nerve was constantly caught in the glutes and after one or two sessions it just completely went”.

The sciatic nerve, is the largest nerve in the human body, originates in the lower back and travels through the buttocks and down the legs.

Through the Bio Fascial release sciatica can be released due to the break down and releasing of balls within the fascia.

Once the fascia within the gluteus has been brocken down due to the imatzu, the intrinsic muscles underneath can be released using a slicing technique through the muscle.

This particular patient due to years of poor posture who had also normalised his body being misaligned, had a glut spasm which also impinging on the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve extends from the lower back to the gluts down the legs, it is an agonising pain but once the fascia is released the sciatica is eased.

Tim King said;

“The difference between the Myo fascial release and bio fascial release is the Japanese technique of the Imatzu. We use the Imatzu before the painful bit to release everything and unblock all the negative blockages. The muscle goes like jelly which allows us to release the fascia deeper within the muscle and it has relaxed”.

Although the patients posture and skeletal structure had been realigned through the releases and pelvic floor exercises, he still had severe stomach issues even though the pelvic floor had been shifted into the correct alignment. Due to the trauma that the pressure had inflicted the Linea Alba needs to be released, however this is a very sensitive area of the abdominal wall, therefore the imatzu technique is used in order to relax and release the tension.

Tim king believes the Linea Alba tightness was the catalyst of the constipation, he said;

“We used the Imatzu technique in order to release and relax the Linea alba. I believe this was the catalyst for his problems everything changed after that release”.

The patient stated;

“‘Even after two sessions my back pain was resolved but my stomach issues weren’t resolved, once the Linea alba was released my gut immediately went from 0 to normal. Its basically a miracle healing.”

Once the Linea Alba was released the pressure that was inflicted upon the abdominal wall was reduced to the pelvic floor being in the correct alignment.

If this patient hadn’t of found CiONE he would still be struggling with stomach issues and constipation, he wants to send a message to people suffering like he was;

“Coming to CiONE could save your life. it could turn your life around”.